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100 organic skin care recipes : make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products

 100 organic skin care recipes : make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products

100 organic skin care recipes : make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products

Want to slather your lips with an edible chocolate lip scrub? Put

In the bathtub and enjoy the refreshing scent of ginger

Citrus body wash? Wrap yourself in the luxury of glowing gods

Face and body mask?

Throughout 100 Organic Skin Care Recipes, you'll find amazing skincare

Products that will take your skin, mind, body and soul to different places

Never seen them before. Filled with natural ingredients like fresh herbs,

Flowers, honey, shea butter, or a unique blend of essential oils (Appendix A), for each

The recipe allows you to mix up your own skin combination

Carefree of dangerous chemicals found in store-bought brands. all

The ingredient was chosen for its health and beauty benefits, detailed in

Glossary of components (Appendix C). Each recipe contains step by step

Instructions teach you how to use oils, herbs, and other organic ingredients

To create nourishing products for healthy skin. In Appendix B you will find the face

Care treatment plans to help you create a natural beauty routine that's perfect for you

Your unique skin type.

These recipes – from layered lavender flower water to lemon

Poppy Seed Scrub - Inspired by the simple things in life that make you feel

Alive. Gorgeous flowers are blooming in the garden. The fresh and refreshing scent

Of fresh fruit. A softly fragrant breeze. Nature provides an amazing world full of

Divinely decadent and endless therapeutic ingredients for you to create these

Great spa products. Every recipe is organic, natural and chemical-free.

Why put something on your body that you wouldn't put in it?

Each of these renewal products is special and unique, and it is

They're deceptively easy to create - which means they make great gifts for her

They're deceptively easy to create - which means they make great gifts for her

Holidays, birthdays, or any other special occasion. You can make your own skin care

Create recipes in your own kitchen using the tools and ingredients you have available.

Most of the ingredients can be found at a natural foods store or farmers market.

There are few specialty ingredients or packaging types that can be easily found

Online through a quick internet search.

I craft these amazing recipes with love. This is simply what I do. I hope that

Offers. I hope you love discovering these creations as much as I do

I had fun putting it together for you. We've created a space for you to add your own

Personal touches with decorative packaging, layered scents, and dreaminess

Great ways to plan a totally amazing home spa day. I humbly suggest

You prepare these recipes with focused healing intent and a lot of love.

These two little things are my secret and favorite ingredients and I include them In all my recipes

I hope your skin glows like flower petals and smells sweet

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